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Migrasomes: From Biogenesis, Release, Uptake, Rupture to Homeostasis and Diseases
来源: | 作者:Yaxing Zhang 1 2, Wenhai Guo 3 4 5, Mingmin Bi 6, Wei Liu 1 2, Lequan Zhou 1 2, Haimei Liu 1 2, Fuman Yan 1 2, Li Guan 1 2, Jiongshan Zhang 3 4, Jinwen Xu 1 2 | 发布时间: 2022-05-12 | 72 次浏览 | 分享到:

Migrasomes are migration-dependent membrane-bound vesicular structures that contain cellular contents and small vesicles. Migrasomes grow on the tips or intersections of the retraction fibers after cells migrate away. The process of releasing migrasomes into the extracellular space is named as "migracytosis". After releasing, they can be taken up by the surrounding cells, or rupture and further release their contents into the extracellular environment. Physiologically, migrasomes provide regional cues for organ morphogenesis during zebrafish gastrulation and discard the damaged mitochondria in response to mild mitochondrial stresses. Pathologically, migrasomes are released from podocyte during early podocyte stress and/or damage, from platelets after infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), from microglia/macrophages of the ischemic brain, and from tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα)-activated endothelial cells (ECs); thus, this newly discovered extracellular vesicle is involved in all these pathological processes. Moreover, migrasomes can modulate the proliferation of cancer cell via lateral transferring mRNA and protein. In this review, we will summarize the biogenesis, release, uptake, and rupture of migrasomes and discuss its biological roles in development, redox signalling, innate immunity and COVID-19, cardio-cerebrovascular diseases, renal diseases, and cancer biology, all of these highlight the importance of migrasomes in modulating body homeostasis and diseases.