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What Zebrafish and Nanotechnology Can Offer for Cancer Treatments in the Age of Personalized Medicine
来源: | 作者:María Cascallar 1 2 3, Sandra Alijas 1, Alba Pensado-López 3 4, Abi Judit Vázquez-Ríos 1 2 5, Laura Sánchez 3 6, Roberto Piñeiro 2 7, María de la Fuente 1 2 5 | 发布时间: 2022-05-31 | 127 次浏览 | 分享到:

Cancer causes millions of deaths each year and thus urgently requires the development of new therapeutic strategies. Nanotechnology-based anticancer therapies are a promising approach, with several formulations already approved and in clinical use. The evaluation of these therapies requires efficient in vivo models to study their behavior and interaction with cancer cells, and to optimize their properties to ensure maximum efficacy and safety. In this way, zebrafish is an important candidate due to its high homology with the human genoma, its large offspring, and the ease in developing specific cancer models. The role of zebrafish as a model for anticancer therapy studies has been highly evidenced, allowing researchers not only to perform drug screenings but also to evaluate novel therapies such as immunotherapies and nanotherapies. Beyond that, zebrafish can be used as an "avatar" model for performing patient-derived xenografts for personalized medicine. These characteristics place zebrafish in an attractive position as a role model for evaluating novel therapies for cancer treatment, such as nanomedicine.

Keywords: cancer; drug screening; nanomedicine; personalized medicine; xenograft; zebrafish.
