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The critical impact of sex on preclinical alcohol research - insights from zebrafish
来源: | 作者:Murilo S de Abreu 1, Matthew O Parker 2, Allan V Kalueff 3 | 发布时间: 2022-07-22 | 370 次浏览 | 分享到:

Sex is an important biological variable widely recognized in studies of alcohol-related effects. Complementing clinical and preclinical rodent research, the zebrafish (Danio rerio) is the second most used laboratory species, and a powerful model organism in biomedicine. Like clinical and rodent models, zebrafish demonstrate overt sex differences in alcohol-related responses. Collectively, zebrafish becomes a sensitive model to further probe in-depth sex differences in alcohol research.

Keywords: alcohol; animal models; pre-clinical research; sex differences; zebrafish.