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Biomass-based indole derived composited with cotton cellulose fiber integrated as sensitive fluorescence platform for NH3 detection and monitoring of seafood spoilage.
来源: | 作者:Zhang, Chen, Huang, Yang, Wang, Xie, Liu, Liu, Xiao, Min, Hu, Xiong, Huang (2022) Biomass-based indole derived composited with cotton cellulose fiber integrated as sensitive fluorescence platform for NH3 detection and monitoring of seafood spoilage. Int J | 发布时间: 2022-10-13 | 286 次浏览 | 分享到:

Herein, an indole-derived water-soluble fluorescence nanomaterial and biomass-based cellulose filter paper integrated as solid-state fluorescence platform (H2-FP) for seafood spoilage detection was prepared. H2 exhibits high fluorescence stability and good biocompatibility with green beans, onion tissues, blood and zebrafish, which proving that H2 has a wide range of application scenarios. Further, H2-FP with effective, solid-state fluorescence, portable, and reusable characteristics is nanoengineered for NH3 quantitative and qualitative detection (DOL = 2.6 ppm). Then, H2-FP has been successfully used to monitor NH3 release in the seafood spoilage process at various storage time (4 °C and 25 °C). More importantly, fluorescence color of H2-FP is integrated smartphone are converted to digital values through RGB channels and successfully used to visualize semi-quantitative recognition of NH3. This sensing fluorescence platform integrated with smartphone furnishes an effective fabrication strategy and broad prospects for explore various biomass-based materials for sensing NH3 change in biological samples and environmental sample.Copyright © 2022. Published by Elsevier B.V.
